I always miss things, miss schedules, and even misplace important documents. Thanks for recent technologies they makes my life easier --- keeps me reminded and somewhat organize my daily activities. But this afternoon, i almost had a heart attack after getting into the counter to pay the items my girls are about to purchase, my jaw just dropped --- i don't have my purse with me/i lost my purse. My mind kept rewinding where did i misplace it in the department store... totally blinded, no idea where i left/misplaced my bag. Retraced every corner of the store, and alas it was in the toy department --- what kept me in awe was the fact that my purse was intact despite it wide open sitting on a bench for approximately 15mins.
Someone for sure was watching over me. I am very glad nothing was stolen... very alarming and concerning how often will i get so lucky. What if it's going to happen again? Being at my current age late 30's, is this an early signs and symptoms of a bigger disease process later? My 7 year old daughter told me, i need to get my memory check... and in that instant, i for sure myself is convince i probably should.
Photo above taken at SD Fair 2011 in Del Mar