30 October 2011

Self Reflection

Someday everything will all make perfect sense.
So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.

Once in our lifetime we experience some sense of adventure and fresh undertakings. Risks we tend to experiment, why? Possibly or maybe due to boredom with our daily life routine... i guess no one really knows. Then we rediscover ourselves, we explore something new, we found strange yet fun different things that we never thought will come across and take pleasure in the end, and all this distinct discoveries makes our heart leap with excitement. We became carefree and full spirited --- we were reborn!

STOP --- all of a sudden we realize, is this the path we need to embark? We were lost there for a second or so we think... we learn to hate ourselves for allowing all the occurrences to be consume with the new found thrill and passion, yet unsure if maybe this is the real you. Self esteem is nowhere to be found. We loathe ourselves for allowing this happiness grow into us. Now we are torn between getting our old life back or fight for the new found beginning.

Our logical brain cells turns on and decide things for us... our heart felt numb, our life looks very foggy, we simply just want to run away and wish we'll be gone. But here we are, we can still hear the beating of our hearts. Maybe slow, thready, and achy but definitely working well.

Now the big question, what to do? Where do we go from here? --- Maybe some 'time' ... time to heal, time to reflect, and time to love oneself again. If this is so, we surely need that Big TIME to take over. Oh yes, we are looking forward to enjoy life again, be ourselves again, and be able to share our own being without hesitation, full of hope, and love.

Message to self --- "I will be fine in time."


Photo above is the pier we love to fish ... Shelter Island Pier.
Use Canon S95 on the photo above, my new compact digicam --- isn't she awesome!

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