21 November 2011


There is a beauty behind any afterglow, symmetry in every night fall,
and the darkness that awaits and hopes for a restful evening.

Sincerely, Yours Truly

If i will take darkness literally, i have to say we are extremely opposite --- i am totally not a night person (but guess what shift i work at the moment, NOC shift). Secondly, there is always that kid fear in me when it comes to sleeping, personally prefer rather need to have a night lamp turn on at night to be able to have a goodnight sleep.

But when it comes to the art of photography, i have to say 'Night Photography' is one part that i have been sensual and attracted from the beginning when i was still learning. Being a portrait photographer, on and off i miss it terribly, that constant yearning still exist. There is a defiance in taking those shots in an unlit environment. You have that vision yet a sense of excitement building up while waiting for that slower shutter speed to take it's course. The longer it sustain, you know you will have a bigger grandeur effect.

Photo #1 Coit Tower at night. Photo #2 GG Bridge at sundown.


If you could live forever, what {or who} would you live for?

taken from twilight the movie


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